
Bangs - My Special Girl

"En Sudán iPhones de haberlos, haylos."


Rita Indiana – La Hora De Volvé

"Un poquito de ácido aquí. Un poquito de ron dominicano más allá. Pizca de trasvestismo. Reminicencias dalinianas. Merengue a lo Kraftwerk. Mezcle bien y deje reposar en el refrigerador por dos días. Debe suministrarse en pequeñas dosis."


Rose Royce - Wishing On A Star

The feather... Oh, The Feather!!


Carl Sagan Vs. Stephen Hawking

A musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present: A Glorious Dawn - Cosmos remixed. Now you can talk about "music from the spheres"!!



"Simplemente, ¿por qué?"


The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love

"Calamares gigantes. Naves interestelares. Led Zeppelin en el espacio. Total. Ya Marta Sánchez lo hizo en Supernova."


"another NDW musician"

Joachim Witt is a very active musician from Hamburg Germany who join the NDW as a solo artist in 1981, after play the guitar for the Krautrock band Duesenberg, in the 70´s. Witt has been, for 30 years, one of the most influential musician in German modern and pop music, composing, producing and also, acting in movies. In 1986 he start a new era of changes and musical evolution. After 10 years of research, in 1996 Joaquin Witt come back with 2 albums called "Bayreuth" with a very mark gothic style, sorprising the critic with good sales. 2006 is the year of a new chages, closing the "Bayreuth" age with a 3 album. Songs like "Goldener Reiter" or "Herbergsvater" was very remixed by Djs and reeditated by himself for the glory of the 80´s.


"another NDW band"

Rheingold. Another NDW band from Germany, compose by Bodo Staiger on guitars and keyborards, Lothar Manteuffel and Brigitte Kunze on keyboards. This Elektropop trio made 2 albums and many singles between1980 and 1984. Dreiklangsdimensionen, Fluß & FanFan Fanatisch was 3 of the most relevant songs. The song Dreiklangsdimensionen is part of the original "Ruta del Bakalao" playlist back in 1984 in Valencia, Spain. The singer Bodo Staiger colaborate in "Der Fan" 1982 as actor and musician, composing the soundtrack of the movie. He also produce 2 solo albums for Wolfgang Flür from kraftwerk.

TRIO "New German Cheerfulness"

TRIO is maybe, the biggest NDW (Neue Deutsche Welle) band. Originally from Großenkneten, Germany, they start as a band in 1979 under the line up, Stephan Remmler on voclas, Gert Krawilkel at the electric guitar and Peter Behrens on the drums, Well, the thing about this band is the punkie/experimental style that define their sound and the performance on stage. Trio is very well known because the one hit song "Da Da Da" that hit the charts in the english version around the world. Minimal rock and mantric lyrics, TRIO was a very mediatic band with movies, singles and large notoriety on television and radio with easy songs.